E-books for Novel I
Hello everyone!
Thanks God that at last something motivated me for a new post on this ( I wish not!!!) forgotten blog!
Well… going straight to the point, here are the first four important novels for our NOVEL I course that I think finding them at the bookshelves is not only time-consuming, but even completely futile! Since I guess the 2nd and the 3rd ones aren’t available in bookstores anymore!
Although some sellers promised about providing the books but it 's a good idea to have the free e-books just in case that the original books are not available for any reason!
So here you are, wish you can download them easily and enjoy them!
Thanks God that at last something motivated me for a new post on this ( I wish not!!!) forgotten blog!
Well… going straight to the point, here are the first four important novels for our NOVEL I course that I think finding them at the bookshelves is not only time-consuming, but even completely futile! Since I guess the 2nd and the 3rd ones aren’t available in bookstores anymore!
Although some sellers promised about providing the books but it 's a good idea to have the free e-books just in case that the original books are not available for any reason!
So here you are, wish you can download them easily and enjoy them!
Robinson crusoe:
Tristram Shandy:
***Vol I ( Virtue Rewarded):
Vol II:
Tom Jones:
Dear Mitra,
Thank you very very much for making these books available on your web. It is such a relief for me to have them, for I have not yet been able to find any of them in Karaj.
Best wishes,
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